Spring Sandal Q&A: Everything You Need to Know About Our Handcrafted Leather Sandals for Kids
As the weather warms up, it's time to start thinking about sandals for the upcoming season. Our handcrafted leather children’s sandals are designed for comfort,...
Why our Brown Leather is so Popular
It's no secret our brown leather is our best-seller. Here are some reasons our customers love to buy children's shoes in that color! 1. It...
Behind the Scenes: Meet Jose Maria
Jose Maria has been a long time friend, turned employee and was one of the first people we hired! He helps ship all our shoes...
Early Spring Outfit Inspiration
Our SS23 Collection is live and we can't wait to see how you wearing your #adelisaandco sandals. Need some style inspiration? Check out 10 cute...
Behind the Scenes: Ivania
Throughout the year we want to give you a behind the scenes look at various people and parts of Adelisa & Co. Today’s Behind...
Behind the Scenes: Rachel (co-owner of Adelisa & Co)
Throughout the year we want to give you a behind the scenes look at various people and parts of Adelisa & Co., and discount a...
Behind the scenes: Paseo
When we first started our business in 2016 we had a solid foundation of what we wanted the heart of our business to be. We...